Vision for St Canice’s Parish




A Vision for St Canice’s Parish

‘Doorways to the Heart’


On my first Sunday as parish priest of St Canice’s I was energised and acknowledged that the parish always had ‘outreach’ at its heart – not only within in St Canice’s Kitchen, but also reaching out to serve people like in our sister parish in Railaco Mission East Timor, and the marginalised friends from David’s Place.

I had come to St Canice’s with ten years of working with young people in the Cardoner Project near to Sydney University – showing them a way to live their faith through service to others, not only here in Australia but in remote areas of extreme conflict in Southeast Asia. I strongly believed that this form of outreach and service presented a wonderful opportunity to attract another group of people to St Canice’s – the young adults.

The parish holds a very special place in my heart not least because it is such a quintessentially Jesuit parish, with a wonderfully urban blend of worship and service to people from all walks of life. As best I can, I intend to build on that very special foundation laid by so many good and faithful people over the decades.

In these early days I have worked very closely with and have been advised by the Parish Pastoral Council. I’ve spoken to many of you but realise that there’s more listening to be done. Please be sure to approach me to discuss any ideas you have over a coffee.

With falling church attendance globally it’s clear to me that we need to reinvigorate the parishioners of old to return, and at the same time to look outside the box to find new ways to get people of all ages to want to be part of the St Canice community. I am working closely with the Parish Financial team to develop plans and to take the necessary steps to make the parish sustainable.

I wrote the ‘Vision’ document distributed at masses last Sunday to give you an idea of what I am thinking. I look forward to meeting more of you personally to listen what may be on your minds, and to answer any questions that you may have.



Fr David Braithwaite SJ

17th February 2023


PLEASE CLICK LINK BELOW to read Fr Dave’s Vision document

David Braithwaite SJ – Vision and ‘Doorways’ 17 Feb 23