Video and Photos – Special Liturgy for the Feast Day of St Ignatius


Last Sunday, we celebrated the Feast of St Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuits, with a special sung Mass. The number of people for our 10.30 am Mass was larger than usual and so many stayed and mingled outside after the celebration for a special Morning Tea. Barbara Campbell is leading the Liturgy Group that formed from our Parish Renewal last year, and this will be the first of regular celebratory Masses and other liturgical events. Caroline Coggins, the Chair of the Parish Pastoral Council spoke about Ignatian Spirituality and encouraged us all to consider how we might pursue the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises in our daily life. We thank our Sacristan, Graham Fear for his work in preparing the Altar. The music was a highlight and we thank Christine Moriarty, our organist and Catherine de Luca, our Cantor for making the Music Liturgy so great. A trumpet accompaniment to the organ music added to the pageantry of the day.

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Introduction the to Special Mass

Welcome to St Canice’s and to this special Mass to celebrate the Feast of St Ignatius.

We respectfully acknowledge the Eora people, the original custodians of this land on which we assemble. We are Christians who have only recently inhabited this area and named it Elizabeth Bay and Kings Cross. For 125 years we have sought and found the living God in Word and Sacrament, and one another.

We offer our Eucharist in thanksgiving for the opportunities we enjoy being members of this richly diverse Parish Community.

Today, in celebrating the Feast of St Ignatius, the Founder of the Jesuits, we celebrate the thousands of Jesuits who lead us, including the Holy Father Pope Francis. We are indeed fortunate having three Jesuits living in our midst – Father Chris our Parish Priest, Father Phil of Jesuit Mission and Father Aloysious of Jesuit Refugee Service. We give thanks for the possibilities they set before us.

Jesuits and their companions serve alongside those most in need. They all have one thing in common. And so do we. We are all in this together. We are all in the business of making the world a better place. Through being women and men of truth, justice, forgiveness and love, we can be the change that drives the world.

In the name of Jesus, in the Spirit of Ignatius, we are companions for a faith that does justice.


Spirit of Vision,
We pray for our communities: our parish, our nation and our church. Help us to develop a new way of seeing the potential of each member. Make us leaders who strive to bring peace and justice to our world.
Lord, hear us.

Spirit of Mission,
We pray for our Holy Father Pope Francis, and for Jesuits everywhere. Grant them courage to continue their work, and patience to see it to fulfillment. Keep them inspired by the vision of Ignatius and the truth of the Gospel.
Lord, hear us.

Spirit of Change,
We pray for the future of Jesuit parishes. May they continue to flourish and grow, and never lose sight of the vision of Ignatius, who points us to Jesus. May men and women who live the Ignatian ideals of conscience, competence and compassion continue to inspire us to seek excellence in all things.
Lord, hear us.

Spirit of Action,
This is the moment to show ourselves generous Christians, and to love as Jesus has loved us, who being rich made himself poor for our sake; and remembering that love is shown more in our deeds than in our words.

Lord, hear us.

Spirit of Truth,
Grant each of us the courage to look into our hearts and discover the potential God has given us to be more, rather than have more. Help us to want to do great things for God, rather than be seen as great. Make us look to the purity of our hearts rather than our reputations as an indication of who we are in the sight of God.
Lord, hear us

Spirit of Healing,

We pray for those we know who are suffering pain or sorrow, sickness or anxiety.
Let us be instruments of healing for them in what we say, what we do and who we are.
Lord, hear us

Spirit of Peace,

We pray for all people in the world who are living in places of crisis and trouble. We remember especially the homeless, asylum seekers, and refugees, many of whom are living right here in our midst.
Help us find ways to change the way our world works, so that we will choose to give generously on ways to help people live, rather than ways to destroy them.
Lord, hear us

God of Compassion,
We pray for those involved in St Canice’s Kitchen and at Matt Talbot;

We pray for those who give part of their life to walk with overseas communities who are in great need, particularly those in our sister parish in Railaco in East Timor;
We pray for the many who serve you daily in prayer and quiet action;
We pray for all who give of their generosity and time to make the world a better place.

Lord, hear us