Photos, Videos and Audio from Feast of St Ignatius Mass

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Short Video of the Introduction to the Mass. Click Arrow to play.

Prayers of the Faithful
Many in the congregation engaged with these special Ignatius Day Prayers of the Faithful and asked for a copy. Please click here to read.

Click here to read the homily “The Man of Loyola” by Justin Glyn sj

Photos from the Mass and Social Gathering.

For viewing on Desktop Double click on arrow to open into Full Screen.

for viewing on Mobile and other devices.

Mass for St Ignatius Feast Day at St Canice’s

Slideshow including the Hymn in Honour of St Ignatius, and Photos from the Social Gathering in the Forecourt – on YouTube (3 minutes)

Our Cantor - Soprano Catherine de Luca
Our Cantor – Soprano Catherine de Luca
Our musicians - Flautist Tim , Trumpeter Will , and Christine, Organist and Music Director
Our musicians – Flautist Tim , Trumpeter Will , and Christine, Organist and Music Director

Audio Files

Prelude – Jupiter –‘The Planets’ Gustave Holst – Flautist Tim , Trumpeter Will , and Christine, Organist (MM to edit opening seconds)

All People That on Earth Do Dwell – Cantor: Soprano Catherine de Luca

Will You Love Me?

Be Thou My Vision – Traditional Irish Melody

Holy Holy Holy

We have no other Boast

Hymn in Honour of St Ignatius – Sung by Tenor Pascal Herington