An Invitation – Follow-up on The Gathering, and Laudato Si discussions

Laudato Si – The Gathering follow-up

Dear St Canice’s family

An Invitation
I’ve been reading a print out of Laudato si as I’ve been travelling for work this week.

There is so much that we might be doing in response to this wonderful invitation, and I hope you can join us next Sunday November 22 between the Sunday masses in the annex to pick up the discussion we started at the parish planning day. The focus for this Sunday is going to be the sustainable parish – our common home. There will be other days dedicated to each of the groups we formed in August.

Here is a reminder of what we talked about:
• Our community shapes our relationships, and our relationships create our identity.
• How can we make the most of what we have here at Canices? (one church, two workplaces, 3 residential communities – Presbytery/Apartments/Boarding House, kitchen, amenities, garden, park, parking).
• The special thing about services at Canices is that they are not totally high powered. (the volunteer factor) Professionalism can destroy the soul of outreach (Matt Talbot cited) But how could we still do everything better?
• What other, deeper needs can we meet when people come to Canices?
• How can we create something beautiful for the poorest – not just our hand-me-downs/unwanted buildings and spaces.
• There is a moral imperative to care for anyone affected by any redevelopment. We need to preserve all our current communities.
• Consider our relationships to the Kings Cross Community, to other groups providing outreach in the area.
• Consider Kings Cross in 20 years’ time – will there still be the street people needing this kitchen? What if we redevelop and our community moves on?
• A no-development option is not a ‘do nothing’ option – we have considerable maintenance ahead of us given the condition of all buildings along Roslyn Gardens.
Please share this reminder with anyone who you think would like to be part of this ongoing discussion. Look forward to seeing you at 9.30am on Sunday, 22nd November.

Kind regards,
Sue Wittenoom
M +61 401 715 293