St Vincent’s College Potts Point

The Boarding Students of St Vincent’s College in Potts Point are very much part of the St Canice Community. The girls regularly attend the 6pm Mass on Saturday evening and participate in the ministry roster as Readers, Eucharist Ministers and Collectors. The photo was taken during a recent “In Weekend” when all 85 Boarders were present at Mass.

The Ignatian Spirituality of the Parish is very familiar to them as the College has its core Ignatian Spirituality and pedagogy. Principal Anne Fry explained “that the girls are encouraged to find God in all things, in every place and in all circumstances. Ignatian spirituality is very inclusive of lay people and the girls welcome the very inclusive nature of their College and Parish. We explicitly teach and give students opportunity to practise Ignatian Spirituality in their prayer and retreat program. In the stillness and the silence, the girls hear a great deal”.

St Vincent's College Anne Fry