Lay Leadership

Twenty parishioners met after the 10.30am Mass on Sunday to better understand the idea of ‘lay leadership’ and the challenges we have as a parish as we look to the future. We have nothing to fear in ‘change’, but we need to be prepared for what the future may bring. We invite all parishioners to become part of this initiative, to walk forward as an involved member of our special Ignatian community here at St Canice’s. We share below some of the work that was prepared for the discussion, but we can also share with you that during the course of the meeting, a very constructive and informing dialogue ensued. We look to the future in Faith and with great Hope.

Stand up and be counted. Please be involved.

While discussions on our Mission and Strategy continue, we wiill be working very quickly to address the structure of our Parish Council to ensure that all aspects of our parish life are represented by dedicated members of our St Canice community – in what in reality are ‘lay leadership’ roles to support the parish priest.

Click on link to read ‘Discussion Paper’ for Lay Leadership in the parish.


The church is going through great changes now and St Canice’s is part of these changes. Reflecting on what we know of the very early church in the centuries immediately following Christ reminds us of who we were and who we are now and that, although forms may change the essence of our beliefs remains the same.

Click on this link to read about ‘Early Christians and Lay Leadership’

While addressing the similarities between Early Christians and Lay Leadership, it is interesting to also view recent videos by experts on the subject. Dr Massimo Faggioli, a Church historian, Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at Villanova University, was in Sydney recently and spoke at St Patrick’s Church Hill. This video a good one to begin with; it’s about an hour long and very recent (mentions Trump for instance).
CLICK HERE to view his address: “Pope Francis and the unfolding of Vatican II”

Although Dr Massimo Faggioli’s is now living in the U.S. and this talk is about the American church, it also says a great deal about what is happening in the world church now.

While on the subject, this is an older talk (2013); one and a half hours long. It provides a more general look at Vatican II. It refers to the early church and going back to the sources. CLICK HERE.