A Welcome to our LGBTI Community

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The First Lane
Fr Jim starts off his lengthy but engaging article saying, “Let us take a walk on the first lane of the bridge, the one leading from the institutional church to the L.G.B.T. community, and reflect on “respect, compassion and sensitivity.”

Respect. What might it mean for the church to “respect” the L.G.B.T. community?
First, respect means, at the very least, recognizing that the L.G.B.T. community exists, as any community would want its existence recognized. It also means acknowledging that the L.G.B.T. community brings unique gifts to the church, as every community does.”

READ ON – Please click on the following link to read in full the enlightened approach by Fr James Martin SJ on including and welcoming all our LGBTI brothers and sisters.

James Martin, S.J.- We need to build a …he Catholic Church. | America Magazine