St Canice’s KingsCross Sydney has enjoyed a sister parish relationship with Railaco Mission in East Timor for the past thirteen years.
As we nourish our parish, we colour Timor’s future!” Our accompaniment allows Railaco’s marginalised families to grow in community, opportunity and hope. Our impact extends far beyond a simple nutritious meal, a medical check-up, and a class in school; we are allowing Railaco villagers to lead better lives now and for generations in the future.

Our ongoing involvement keeps us aware; it reminds us of our privilege; and gives us the opportunity to gain in a spiritual way. Our life is enriched by the work that is done there!

Parishioner Michael Musgrave, our lead Ambassador to Railaco, recently made his third visit to Timor. He was looking for answers to other questions that impact Australians attitudes towards East Timor today to better inform himself, and in turn to share with fellow Canice parishioners.

Michael says, “When chatting with potential donors, I’m often asked ‘Why East Timor? Don’t we have enough needy people here at home to worry about?’; and ‘What is life really like up there in the villages?’

While living day-to-day with the Jesuits for ten days, answers to these and other questions evolved. My goal for the trip was primarily to gather new information about the kids, the school, and the mothers whom we help, and then to make a video to share with you.

As the days rolled on, I became conscious of a burning inner desire to share more of what I was learning.

I was hoping that with a little more awareness, more of us here at St Canice’s might be motivated to ‘climb on board’, to become ‘sowers of seed’, and become actively involved in raising funds to enable those on the front lines, to continue with their service to the poor.

It may be a little ‘tongue in cheek’, but I labeled my report: ‘The First Letter of Michael to the Caniceians’.” The actual report can be read on the parish webpage.

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