An interactive Liturgy of the Word truly involved all present at the 3pm Service at St Canice’s this afternoon. Twelve parishioners assumed active roles in a dramatisation of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, with the whole congregation joining in the prayers reflecting issues of our everyday lives after each of the scenes.
This is one of the scenes:
Scene 7: Jesus dies on the cross.
Standing by the cross of Jesus was his mother, Mary the wife of Cleopas and Mary of Magdala. When Jesus saw his mother there and the disciple whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold your mother” and from that hour he took her into his home.
MARY SPEAKS (in the dramatisation of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ at St Canice’s this afternoon)
I held my son in my arms. He was lowered down from the cross and I was able to hold him close to me. My tears washed over his face. He had often spoken to me about life and death, about success and failure. He knew he was hated by the authorities and he often told me that I would have to be strong if he died before me. His death was always before my eyes. His life was so full of the complex and mystery. I was always struggling to understand him…..and yet I knew he had the answer to it all, deep inside him. This is what gives me comfort now. I will hold him a little longer and then I will let him go and I will pray that his words about life will stay with me and the others to give us strength.

Please click on link below to follow the dramatisation.

On which is hung our salvation
Come, let us adore
Unless a grain of wheat shall fall
Upon the ground and die
It shall remain but a single grain
And not give life

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