Canice’s Kitchen Volunteer Night

This year St Canice’s Kitchen is celebrating its 30th Anniversary and every year we host our annual Volunteer Party in October to thank the amazing work our volunteers do each year to support the kitchen. This year was no different with 70 volunteers turning up on the night.

The night started off with a thank you and welcome by Fr Chris with starter food sponsored by Petrel Kitchen in Springfield Ave, Potts Point. Our regular sponsor Sofrito Paella was also there and sponsored their amazing Seafood Paella once again. A huge thank you to both our food sponsors, it made our night wonderful.

Sofrito Paella

Petrel’s Kitchen sponsored food, served by the lovely girls at St Vincent’s College Potts Point.


A huge thank you also to the girls at St Vincent’s College who helped out on the night, serving food and talking to our guests. They were a huge help and the volunteers always love having them around.

The night then continued with a short speech by Michael Parker, one of our kitchen committee members who spoke about the importance of the 30th Anniversary and how far we’ve come since 1988. He invited the volunteers to then share some stories about their experiences over the years and we had some stories from Sister Sheelah and Nola (one of the founding members of the kitchen).

After the talks, Nola cut the cake for our 30th Anniversary Celebration and we also shared some dessert sponsored by Petrel’s Kitchen in Potts Point.

Nola Rowe cutting the 30th Anniversary Cake 

Dessert Sponsored by Petrel’s Kitchen Potts Point


Thank you to all our volunteers who showed up on the night to celebrate with us, we hope everyone had a good time talking to each other and celebrating with the stories of the kitchen. We are looking forward to seeing you at the next event, next year, and hope that our kitchen, which helps so many, will continue for many years to come.