Welcome to St Canice’s to celebrate the Feast Day of St Ignatius.
We are one, but we are many,
From many Jesuit ministries we come,
We share their dream
And sing with one voice
I am, you are, we are Ignatian.At St Canice’s Kings Cross Sydney
In honouring St Ignatius at St Canice’s, we thank the Jesuits for their leadership in this place for the past 30 years, and for including us as ‘partners in Mission’ in this ‘One Ignatian family’.
‘We are one’ with St Canice’s Kitchen
‘We are one’ with Railaco Mission
‘We are one’ with David’s Place
We are pleased to welcome students from Sydney’s Jesuit Schools, Dermot O’Brien, Charles Alvarez, and Jonathon Shiel-Dick to share of their recent ‘immersion’ experiences at the Railaco Jesuit Mission in East Timor.
We are thankful for having leaders of other Jesuit Ministries, Helen Forde, CEO of Jesuit Mission Australia, and Carolina Gottardo, Director, Jesuit Refugee Service Jrs Comms Australia and others share this special Mass.

Cantor Pascal Herington has been part of St Canice’s since living school at Riverview more than fifteen years ago. We are proud to welcome him back from his role of lyric tenor in the German Opera at Munster to lead us today.

Kaleb Taylor, the First Nation students’ Cultural Mentor from Riverview presented the ‘Acknowledgement of Country’. Starting with a haunting didgeridoo, Kaleb then proceeded in a local dialect and ‘acknowledged’ this land of his forebears to a hushed congregation.

More photos of St Canice parishioners will be posted as a ‘tribute’ to our community when we receive them from the photographer.
Other video and audio clips will be added in due course.
Click ON PHOTO to listen to Pascal singing the Handel Aria Ombra Mai Fù

Click ON PHOTO to listen to Claudine on organ and Ian on Trumpet playing ‘Fanfare for the Common Man/strong>