Bishop Terry Brady officially installs new Parish Priest


On the Feast Day of St Canice, Bishop Terry Brady officiates at our 10.30 am Mass and installs Fr Paul Fyfe as our parish priest.

On the Feast Day of St Canice, Bishop Terry Brady officiates at our 10.30 am Mass and installs Fr Paul Fyfe as our parish priest. In welcoming Fr Paul to St Canice’s KingsCross Sydney, Bishop Terry also acknowledges other leaders in the parish community, and thanks the Jesuits for all they do in this very special Sydney parish.

There is a very good attendance and most parishioners repair downstairs to the parish hall for a Feast Day of ‘feasting’. Well into the afternoon, the affable Bishop Terry is the last person to leave.

PS Fr Gaetan’s home-made Indian curry went down treat this time. He smiles as he carries the empty Pyrex dish back to the presbytery.

Many thanks to Lynelle Lembryk for all the organisation and catering for the day.

Elizabeth Strutt receives the Archdiocesan Dempsey Medal for Service from Bishop Terry in the company of proud family members