World Day of the Poor


Members of the Sydney Street Choir and David’s Place community were out welcoming us all to Mass for the World Day of the Poor at St Canice’s this morning. Singing, piano, guitar and violin added to the joyfulness of the special liturgy.

We are all the richer for having the David’s Place community here with us as part of our parish. Dave David Marsh, one of David’s Place members, an active blogger and poet, shared one of his poems from a book he’s written, ‘A Street Spirituality’. Through this reading, he, in effect, invited us into his home, a room with ‘eight milk crates’ that provide seat, table, TV stand, and a place to store meagre belongings.

Fr Gaetan Perreira SJ encourages us in his homily “to take sides with the poor – a difficult challenge. A mission focus on a life of equality, justice, and community.

It’s in listening and learning from these people. To see the world from their view as victims, thus forcing me to take a stand for them.

To confront my illusion about myself and the values of the world, about my work and about the poor themselves. I believe in sharing their vulnerability and learning to take risks, I share in the love and power of God in the poor.”