St Canice’s Kitchen in the Community

Working with communities that face significant disadvantage takes a holistic approach. At Canice’s Kitchen, this is our vision for the future. We want to ensure our community have access to crisis support and then the next step services which can assist in stabilising their lives.

Community Support Program

Education is a key part of the this process, one which we ensure is at the forefront of all we do. This covers education for our street community, our volunteers and the young people who are connected to our services. We seek to educate others to understand the power behind giving and the community that can be created when we walk beside someone in need.

One of our most recent additions has been the Community Support Program. An individualised care program which uses life coaching, counselling and support services, to assist participants reach significant life milestones. For some this may be paid employment, for others housing.

The program is flexible and bespoke, it invites Guests to unpack the challenges in their lives and then helps them discover the pathways forward. Since its start, the program has already placed two participants in paid full time employment, assisted another into permanent social housing and a fourth back home to Taiwan connecting with his family after three and a half years of sleeping rough in Sydney. Through a combination of group training, personal mentorship and daily check-in’s, participants feel supported, seen and cared for and the results have been truly impactful.


Canice’s Kitchen Library

Another part of education, is providing the right facilities and space for learning to take place.

With this in mind we undertook the task of creating the largest permanent installation of books for the street community, the Canice’s Kitchen Library.

A collection of 1500 titles across numerous genres, the library invites Guests to “explore new ideas and discovery community” through reading, learning and group discussion.


Alex Greenwich MP with Canice Community Manager, Carrie Deane and two people from St Vincent’s Homeless Care.

Virtual Backyard Winter Sleepout

Later this year the focus turns to young people as we host our second Virtual Backyard Winter Sleepout. Taking place on Saturday 31st July, the Backyard Winter Sleepout is a virtual event is designed for students aged 12-18 years, to help develop their knowledge around the issues of homelessness.

The event is completely virtual, meaning they can complete the 12 hour sleepout in their backyard, balcony or living room and connect to the event hosts and guest speakers via zoom. There will be a live discussion as well as a Q&A, followed by a series of challenges they must undertake overnight. These challenges aim to mimic the lived experiences of our two speakers and really put the students into the shoes of someone who has slept rough.

The sleepout is our way of bringing our younger community in on the discussion around homelessness and empowering them engage with the issue and take action.




We are proud to call ourselves a multi-service centre and more so, of our dedicated, generous and hardworking volunteer tribe. Over 300 men and women give their time across the year to ensure our community stays fed, connected and most importantly seen. We are grateful to have the chance to meet new people every day. New Guests, new volunteer and new community agencies. It is here that we do the learning, as we seek to discover how we can better support everyone.

We invite you to be a part of Canice’s Kitchen –