Tattoos, Cuban food and a good dose of volunteering

Marq strolled past our gates a while back and in his words “everyone from guests to volunteers had a smile on their face” I looked around and said to myself “this is something I want to be a part of!”.

Now in his fourth year of volunteering onsite and through our virtual kitchen model during the pandemic, Marq is the kind of human who gives himself to his community. Outside of volunteering at Canice’s, OLC and Matthew Talbot, he’s a case worker at William Booth House, making it his career to build up the lives of those doing it tough. He’s got some great interests too. When he’s not saving the world, you’ll find him reading sci fi novels, cooking Cuban food, hanging out with his wife and of course…getting the occasional tattoo.

Canice’s is an incredible community, made up of our Guests, volunteers, staff and the wider business and Potts Point locals, and Marq agrees “Canice’s is a community connecting people to create a family”. “They aren’t just a service” and that, he tells me, is why he’s stayed.

“I love their strength-based approach to volunteering” “They realise everyone has something magical and practical to offer”.

Whether you’re a superstar in the kitchen or someone who has a high social game, it’s the variety of personalities, backgrounds and beliefs which comes together to create a village of the people.  The volunteers at our place recognise the positive impact we can make together. Six days a week, year-round, it is these giving community members who positively impact the lives of men and women needing it the most.

We love that Marq has chosen us to be one of the organisations he supports with his time, love, and skills.

“Canice’s has allowed me to cultivate some fantastic traits such being empathetic and appreciating what I have. I’m being more grateful; it has shown me that I’m truly blessed”. 

Thank you Marq, you’re our kind of human.