Our Railaco ‘ambassador’, Michael Musgrave, has just returned from Railaco, the first to visit there from St Canice’s in three years. Over the next month, he will share more stories of amazing changes underway since 18 others from our Parish visited Railaco in 2019.
Michael writes:
“Fr Hyoe Murayama SJ, Director of Nossef, welcomed me with the gathered student assembly. Fr Hyoe presented a special Certificate of Appreciation to St Canice’s parish to acknowledge the 18 years of our continuing support and friendship.
Fr Bong is still negotiating impossible roads to take the mobile medical clinic to communities without medical services from the government. At a far distant village, we parked under a tree, and Fr Bong consulted with 80 mothers and babies in an old tin shed, also used as a church. Across the way, the government clinic stands shuttered—no medicines for the people! Our continuing support is crucial.

The children’s feeding program continues as we know it, and as kids love it, while pilot projects for a “Food Security Program’ in three sucos with Jesuit Social Services is already underway”. All donations are tax-deductible: