Fr Erik John Gerilla SJ, Regional Superior of Timor-Leste, visited St Canice’s this past weekend. On the Sunday morning, Fr EJ spoke at both Masses.
He said, “All of us are called to embody and learn from the example of Jesus. In turn, we of the Railaco Jesuit Mission follow Him, attending to the pastoral care, health, and education of the people. This is possible because of the ‘St Canice ‘sisterhood’. Parishioners of Railaco always think of St Canice with gratitude, as friends who respond to their situation. Our parishioners feel a sense of closeness knowing they have their Australian neighbour, St Canice’s, journeying with them“.
“As we enter the next phase of our 20-year relationship, we recognise that much in Railaco has changed, and St Canice’s has a cohort of new parishioners too. Our ‘sisterhood’ must remain meaningful. On return to Timor, I will form a committee to gather stories to present a full picture of what St Canice’s has made possible, and to address how we sustain this ministry for the next period of years”, he said.
Speaking of our Railaco parish secondary school Nossef, Father EJ said, “We are providing not only education, but holistic formation to rural youth where their values, culture and spirituality are grounded. And that is made possible because of you. I would like to say thank you sincerely, for everything, and for your generosity, for Railaco.”

During his visit, Fr EJ took part in a gathering of East Timor supporters of the parish. We valued hearing first hand his update on the current situation of the works we’re involved in at the Railaco Jesuit Mission and also his thoughts on East Timor in general.