Continuing the good work in Railaco

Continuing the good work in Railaco


13 July 2024

A $30 FREE CASH VOUCHER for a coffee and sandwich at Juno & Sons neighbourhood café in Roslyn Gar

But this is not simply about money.
We’re inviting you to become part of our Railaco family, connected in mutual friendship and mission.

Our big annual celebration for Railaco will be on the Feast Day of St Ignatius Sunday 4th August, at the 10 am Mass. After Mass, please stay for the ‘Festa’, hosted by our community-building parish group, ‘Curious Grace’. Mingle with others in our community; enjoy the sausage sizzle, cakes and chicken sandwiches. 

SAVE THE DATE! 10 am Mass on 4th August


Fr Hyoe Murayama SJ, M Michael Musgrave, Dan Elias, Fr Martin Bong SJ