We are very grateful to so many St Canice parishioners who continue to support our sister parish in Railaco in East Timor. Reading what our Director of NOSSEF Fr Hyoe Murayama SJ writes in the cover letter to his half yearly report below can’t but help give us all a sense of satisfaction, knowing that whatever we do to support the education of these young Timorese, our generosity is returned a hundredfold. Thank you
Extract from NOSSEF Director Fr Hyoe’s Cover Letter
To our Friends and Benefactors,
Pope Francis Visit to Timor-Leste
This year, from September 9th to 11th, Pope Francis visited Timor-Leste. The theme was “Que a vossa fé seja a vossa cultura” (Let your faith be your cultural identity). More than a hundred of our teachers and students went to Dili (Tasi Tolu) to attend the Papal Mass spending two nights in camping. About half of the total Timorese population (700,000) is reported to have participated in that Mass. Many people cried with tears of joy and gratitude.
Student Scholarships at NOSSEF
When I see our graduating students, I recall the three-year life they spent in our school. In 2024 we had 104 scholarship recipients, and about 60 of them were need-based scholarships. We chose them based on their own desire, commitment, and the needy financial situation of their family. They enjoyed friendships and learning like all other students. I imagine that if they didn’t receive scholarships they wouldn’t be able to complete their student life at NOSSEF. They came to school on Saturdays to do some cleaning and gardening as part of scholarship students’ activities. In 2024, the 108 12th graders of NOSSEF passed 100% in the National Exams.
Master Plan for NOSSEF to address not only infrastructure but education ‘that can transform society’
Our Master Plan process is still ongoing. From 2023, we have been planning to renovate all school buildings and include an elementary school, maximizing the use of our current land. It is essential to address the poor condition of basic education in this country. This has been caused by a poorly organized and outdated educational system and insufficient parenting education. This is causing even poorer learning achievement and a neglected school culture in most public schools. As the government’s myopic vision and party politics fail to respond to the need for educating the growing population and the fragile job market, the climate of disappointment has caused disordered expectations for school discipline (factory and military-style education) and little interest in formal education (“Education is meaningless”). Therefore, many people push their children to earn more money faster by working abroad, in Korea, England, Australia, etc.
It is imperative to have a visionary plan grounded in integrity and faith and generating realistic hope and further dreams. Authentic education gradually creates true freedom and maturity to adapt to changing times without losing sight of unchanging values. I don’t oppose producing results with calculable effectiveness, because it is still important to However, it is also essential to yield fruits, to “educate persons who can transform society,” which is compatible with effectiveness or efficiency.
Focus on forming Staff
Although it seems almost overwhelming for me as a priest to cover all of the following issues, NOSSEF needs to establish a good induction program for new employees, a better training program for all employees, a better salary system, a creative and visionary insight about future curriculum designing, a solid work ethic and an understandable culture of commitment and collaboration. There is a Yiddish proverb: “God gives burdens, also shoulders.” In spite of all these challenges, God is with us (Mat 1:23), and hope does not disappoint (Rom 5:5). We never forget the generous donation and encouraging messages from our friends and benefactors, especially at St Canice’s. We thank you for yourself-giving charity to shoulder our burdens. Continue to include us in your prayers and hopes. May God unite us all in hope. “form useful individuals for society.”
Fr Hyoe Murayama SJ, Director of NOSSEF school (2021~2025)