João Paulo Lobo – Jesuit Scholastic – speaks about RAILACO MISSION

The address to the St Canice’s congregation on Sunday by East Timorese Jesuit Scholastic, João Paulo Lobo, provided a genuine ‘face’, an enthusiastic young face, that truly brought to life what goes on daily up there in the Jesuit Mission in Railaco. It’s refreshing to hear these first-hand accounts when

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Parish Gathering ‘Wrap’

What next? The recent parish gathering saw discussion move forward on four important areas. It is hope that we will soon do more work together as a parish and plans are being developed to hold a series on ‘between the Masses’ workshop style discussions. Here is a summary of the

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Sister Rita Visits St Canice’s

Sister Rita Hayes sgm, a Good Samaritan nun, who has worked tirelessly in the in Railaco Mission with the Jesuits in East Timor for the past nine years, inspired the congregations at two of the Sunday Masses at St Canice’s in Elizabeth Bay this morning. The Railaco Mission is the

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Sister Rita from Railaco Visits St Canice’s

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The Parish Gathering

    On the Feast of St Ignatius . . . on 2nd August     A Parish Gathering at St Canice’s We invite all parishioners to come to our Parish Gathering to contribute your imagination, skill and energy to this important day. A special request is made to the

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The genesis of our Railaco relationship

Watch this video from 2010 to better understand the genesis of the relationship between St Canice’s and Railaco Jesuit Mission. It explains earlier days of our outreach to the people of East Timor; showing how the people of the Jesuit Mission are working in conjunction with the locals; helping them to find solutions; and creating them as ‘agents of change’.

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Genesis of our Relationship with the Railaco Mission – See YouTube Video

Last week, Father Chris Jenkins SJ travelled to East Timor with Sue and Graeme Crabbe, and Michael Musgrave to visit our sister parish of Railaco situated in the mountains outside Dili. <a href="http://youtu.be/orZrP4Gy5sM" title="Click here TO VIEW A 9-MINUTE YOUTUBE VIDEO. Michael is writing this series of blogs in an

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Railaco Children’s Feeding Program

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