Holy Hour Thursday 1st July

the Sacred Heart is nothing less than an image of the way that Jesus loves us: fully, lavishly, radically, completely, sacrificially. The Sacred Heart invites to meditate on some of the most important questions in the spiritual life: In what ways did Jesus love his disciples and friends? How did he love strangers and outcasts? How was he able to love his enemies? How did he show his love for humanity? What would it mean to love like Jesus did? What would it mean for me to have a heart like his?

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St Canice’s Primary School

In this post, we recount stories of Sisters of Charity teachers from their days as a young Sisters teaching at St Canice’s Primary School before it closed in 1970. A Catholic education with professed sisters and brothers teaching in the years leading up to the 70’s was very different from what it is today. The sharing helps us learn and understand the diversity and richness of life in our parish community in past years. Over time, we build a rich mosaic of ‘our people

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St Canice’s Kitchen in the Community

Working with communities that face significant disadvantage takes a holistic approach. At Canice’s Kitchen, this is our vision for the future. We want to ensure our community have access to crisis support and then the next step services which can assist in stabilising their lives. Education is a key part of the this process, one which we ensure is at the forefront of all we do. This covers education for our street community, our volunteers and the young people who are connected to our services. We seek to educate others to understand the power behind giving and the community that can be created when we walk beside someone in need.

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Commencement of Ignatian Year

From May 2021 until July 2022, the Society of Jesus celebrates an Ignatian Year. What is an Ignatian Year? May 20, 2021 marks the 500th anniversary of St. Ignatius’ conversion — that fateful day when Ignatius the soldier, struck by a cannonball, began his transformation into Ignatius the pilgrim. How might we grow in our relationship with God and our love for one another by meditating on this important moment in Ignatius’ life?

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Parish Pastoral Council – News

Since September last year, the PPC has been working hard to make St Canice’s a truly thriving Catholic community. This newsletter contains various articles on the great work that the team has led and initiated in the last few months. I hope you will enjoy our newsletter as much as we enjoyed creating this communication.

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