‘Laudato si’ Year

ROME – Pope Francis kicked off his own “Laudato Si” week Sunday, which wraps up an entire year dedicated to 2015 encyclical letter on the environment, the first ever dedicated entirely to that topic, and its dramatic call to hear “the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor.”

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Ignatius 500 to 1! ‘What matters?’

Ignatius’ experience lies at the heart of the Ignatian tradition that Jesuit Social Services and other Jesuit works have inherited. The reflectiveness that led him to ask “what matters?” is similarly central to our way of working seeking out the people who most need our help, helping them to find what they want most deeply in life, and ourselves reflecting constantly on our approach, so as to ensure we continue to serve others and not just ourselves.

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High Tea at St Canice’s

Thank you to everyone who attended the High Tea at St Canice’s last Saturday. A group of 90 people gathered in the parish hall and listened to two inspirational speakers – Jenny Stanger – Executive Manager Anti-Slavery Taskforce, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney & Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network (ACAN) who spoke about the impact of Modern Slavery and Marg Spencer who spoke about her work in Kings Cross during the 1980’s, – 90’s

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St Canice’s School 1945

The girls at St Canice must have been well schooled in artistic attainments, this would probably be correct. One fragment of the school which survives is the programme for a concert given in 1945. Eurhythmics, to music of Chopin, was a feature of that; along with a Dutch dance from the juniors; a one-act play, called ‘Cock-a-doodle-do’, from the infants; and selected scenes from ‘The Merchant of Venice’ from the older girls.

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The challenges of Floods and Covid in East Timor

Fr E J Gerilla, Parish Priest of our sister parish at Railaco Jesuit Mission writes to bring us more up to date with the recent flooding in Timor-Leste. He believe that the words that a religious sister in Timor posted on her Facebook best sums up the situation: “An Easter that is ever so different!”

I think it captures the downtrodden spirit of the country and perhaps the local church as well.

The majority of the Timorese people had to deal with great difficulties brought about by the Covid pandemic and the heavy downpour on Easter Sunday (4th of April, 2021) resulting to massive flooding in capital Dili and death toll of 27, as of the last count.  

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