The humanitarian programs at the Railaco Jesuit Mission rely on donations from St Canice’s. Many of you have already stepped-up to the plate, but the need goes on to provide meals for the children and medicines for families, and locally trained teachers for the secondary school NOSSEF. I appreciate that your priority is your well-being and that of your family in these trying times of the current Covid-19 situation. However, if at all possible, I ask that you consider the ongoing financial necessities of the Railaco Mission.

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Downloadable publication of Pope’s prayers and homilies now available

The Dicastery for Communication of the Holy See is making available a downloadable book entitled “Strong in the Face of Tribulation”, containing prayers, supplications and the Pope’s homilies as “a sure support in time of trial”. “A little help offered to all, so as to know how to discern and experience God’s closeness and tenderness in pain, in suffering, in solitude and in fear,” writes Andrea Tornielli, the editorial director of Vatican’s Dicastery for Communication, presenting Strong in the Face of Tribulation: The Church in Communion – a Sure Support in Time of Trial.

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Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday) – Homily by Fr Frank Brennan SJ

Fr Frank Brennan SJ Rector, Newman College, University of Melbourne   Matthew 26:14 – 27:66 Listen: Sit in a chair. Close your eyes. Listen. The powerful message of this homily is better heard in the listening than in reading. To some, the homily may start out sounding a little ‘dry

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Palm Sunday. That such an apparently insignificant day should still be celebrated is remark- able. And that the man with no power who was rejected and executed in the most dehumanising way by the leaders both of the Romans and of his own people should now be honoured and have greater power and fame than them, is even more remarkable.

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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week.These palm branches at the front of St Canice’s are the symbol of Christ’s triumphal entry into the hearts of believers and are a reminder of salvation.

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Eternal Life – In today’s Gospel, Jesus leaves what is for him safe country across the Jordan to go to Judea. He puts his own life at mortal risk in order to give life to his mortally ill friend.
Strangely, of course, Jesus, on hearing the news of Lazarus’ grave illness, delays a few days before acting on the sisters’ message. In effect, he allows Lazarus to die. This means that he can enter into and address the grief of Martha and Mary, and of all those who subsequently mourn the death of loved ones.

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