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Caroline Coggins

I believe that by prayer, silence and discernment we are led by God.God speaks so strongly to us through stories, our own, others.

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Building Community to Enrich Parish Life

Various activities throughout the year serve to bring our parish community closer together. In so doing, we enrich the life of the parish! Canice parishioners benefit from a mutual connection between themselves and others working and contributing to other Ignatian inspired activities. We share these moments under the one umbrella – Canice Connections.

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Anzac Day – Sharing Our Story

Sharing the Story –

It is more than a hundred years since St Canice’s, (then just twenty-five years-old in 1914), began seeing some of its members going off to war.

We of the later generations have been presented daily with messages about the impact of that war and how the challenge was handled, through four striking windows in the transept of our church. These windows, installed around 1920,are in a notably beautiful area of St Canice’s, which today, creatively, carries relics of our own dead.

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Sue Wittenoom

 My involvement with the parish started out as extended family for our daughters, now I realise its actually extended family for me. Ignatian spirituality has been a powerful way to deepen my faith and threads my own Loreto experience (as student and parent) back to St Canices.

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Holy Week – St Canice Parish – 2018

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Michael Musgrave

I embrace the opportunity to live my faith guided by Ignatian principles; the great sense of welcome and friendship that I feel from others in the St Canice community; and a feeling that I am part of a parish that truly ‘lives the teachings of the gospels’.

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