Parish Retreat – 10 and 11 March 2018

Parish Retreat: In the third week of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius, the pilgrim who walks the Exercises will enter a room that is filled with his own history. ‘How can I,’ we ask, ‘accompany You, You who has always accompanied me?” No matter the preparation of the prior

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Christmas 2017

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A parish ‘Conversation’ with Fr Bart Beckers SJ

Being Catholic is more than a being a ‘Catholic on Sunday’. The Liturgical Ministries, which include Greeters, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers and Altar servers; and the Social Ministries such as the Kitchen, ideally would comprise community representing all age-groups, young and old. “If the embers of one-time Catholic faith glows sufficiently bright to bring a person to Mass once again, would their experience at St Canice’s relate to them, and encourage them to return?”

The ‘old’ Church as we know it; Church in the western world, is gone. Tomorrow’s problems for the church are not today’s. It’s not an impossible situation. We can be innovative.

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