Photos Christmas Midnight Mass

    Father Chris Jenkins SJ welcomed many visitors to all four Christmas Masses at St Canice’s. The church was decorated this year with a dozen Cypress Pines and beautiful flowers in yellow and white to celebrate the birth of Christ. At the Midnight Mass, in a small gesture to express

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Christmas at Canice’s 2014

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Pausing in Advent – by Caroline Coggins

At a recent Retreat I attended in Hong Kong earlier his year when I read the Annunciation what I notice are Mary’s pauses, her response to the angels’ avowal that she is favoured by God. But what she utters is that she is deeply perplexed. Imagine Mary, a young woman,

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Fighter who found community on the streets

Fr Steve writes in Eureka Street . . . “Elizabeth told me Sue had died. She had been dead in her Ashfield flat for 18 days before she was found. The heater was on. I don’t want to think about how she was when she was found. I don’t know

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