Province Retreat 28 September 2014

The Venue The venue for the 2014 Province Retreat is Peter Canisius House at Pymble. Located within the extensive grounds of Canisius College on Syd- ney’s leafy North Shore, 30 minutes from the CBD by public transport, 45 minutes from the Airport. Public transport is by train from Central Station

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Mass for St Ignatius Feast Day at St Canice’s 2014

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Photos, Videos and Audio from Feast of St Ignatius Mass

Short Video of the Introduction to the Mass. Click Arrow to play. Prayers of the Faithful Many in the congregation engaged with these special Ignatius Day Prayers of the Faithful and asked for a copy. Please click here to read. Homily Click here to read the homily “The Man of

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Celebrating the Feast of St Ignatius Loyola

. . Leading up to the Feast Day of St Ignatius, we have shared a series of reflections on Ignatian Spirituality.   These reflections have been featured in the Parish Bulletin, the Parish Website and the Parish Facebook page. All contributions are welcome. Next Sunday August 3 we will be celebrating the Feast

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