“Come to the Water”

“COME TO THE WATER” We are very fortunate at St Canice’s to have such a beautiful and uplifting Musical Liturgy. We are blessed with talented musicians and singers each week at the 10.30 am Mass. This 3-minute video of John Foley SJ’s ‘Come to the Water” from our Easter Vigil

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Easter Vigil 2013

          Picasa Web Album. Double Click on arrow to open in to Full screen and view Slideshow.     VIDEO EASTER VIGIL (1 minute 27 secs) Click on arrow to play.   Lighting the Pascal Fire     VIDEO – “COME TO THE WATER” (3 minutes,

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Easter Vigil St Canice’s Elizabeth Bay 2013

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“Who is our brother? Who is our sister?”

Homily at the Good Friday “Service of the Passion” (Excerpt) by Aloysious Mowe SJ     We are prone to putting others on trial, making them wait for our judgment. I suspect that religious people can be more prone to do this than those who are not religious. “Those whose

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Financial Snapshot and Appeal

The community we have here at St Canice is very generous. We are a very active parish and have a long history of hands-on compassion. Every time we have been challenged to respond to a new set of circumstances we have responded without flinching. As the recent months of renewal

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Thank you, Elizabeth!

At a special morning tea with a crowd of well-wishers after Mass on Sunday, Father Chris congratulates Elizabeth on her 80th birthday and acknowledges the tremendous contribution she has made to the parish over the years, and continues to do so selflessly each day. Thank you, Elizabeth!  

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