Midnight Mass 2012

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Volunteers vie to serve festive cheer

The logic is simple for Rob Caslick, founder of the Inside Out Organic Soup Kitchen in Sydney’s east. The most nutritious and healthy food should be eaten by those who need it most: the homeless and needy. On Wednesday, 15 volunteers served 70 marginalised people prime cuts of lamb and

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Advent Activity – DISCUSSION 4 (23 December 2012)

ETTY’S WAY!!! Learning to Shake the Hand that Holds the Hypodermic Learning to die well may be one of life’s great achievements. Even animals will sometimes display the art – through some wondrous instinct, I guess. I saw this once with a fifteen-year-old Labrador we had – named ‘Shane’. He

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Special Celebration Advent Mass

Rejoice! On this Gaudete Sunday, Parishioners and guests of St Canice’s in Elizabeth Bay Sydney gathered to give thanks for the year and for our Parish Renewal Process with a special celebration Advent Mass. Our Cantor, Pascal and Organist Christine chose 
Ceremonial Music by Mozart, Haydn and Schubert to suit the

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Advent Activity – Conversation Starter on “the Self”

This is the second week in our Advent Activity Discussion Group – “Conversion of Heart: the story of Etty Hillesum”. We welcome your attendance at St Canice’a at 11.30 am on Sundays up until Christmas. For those who can not make it in person, we invite you to read the

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