

Our parish seeks to accompany one another through every stage of life by celebrating the sacraments of the church.

Together in the sacraments of the Church we are made into the Body of Christ. As Catholics we believe that our lives are graced by God through these sacraments and that they sustain and deepen our individual and shared faith journeys.

If you’re interested in finding out more information on any of the sacraments below or to make a booking, please contact us.

Sacraments - Marriage

Marriage is a covenant between husband and wife that is witnessed by the Church and made possible by the original gift of Divine Love. A wedding is a celebration, which establishes this three-way bond between Husband, Wife and their Heavenly Father.

Our church is a magnificent venue for your wedding, located in the very heart of Sydney – we’d be delighted to celebrate your marriage.

For more information about celebrating your wedding at St Canice’s, please read our Wedding Information Booklet.


For Catholics, Baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. It is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments.

Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as children of God; we become members of Christ, incorporated into the Church, and made sharers in God’s mission.

Sacraments - Baptisms
Sacraments - Funerals

St Canice’s seeks to provide spiritual support for the members of the deceased by honouring the lives of their loved ones.

Arrangements for a Funeral Mass are made through the Funeral Director selected by the family. Memorial Services are arranged directly with the Parish Priest.

When a time has been agreed for the service, the family will meet with the Priest to discuss the Order of Service and other details. The Priest will also help with the arrangements for music and flowers.

Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick is an extension of Jesus’ healing of the sick and is a ritual of healing appropriate not only for physical but also for mental and spiritual sickness. 

This sacrament is given to those who face serious illnesses of any kind: physical, psychological or any other. It may be received by anyone who anticipates major surgery or who has reached an advanced age.

Sacraments - Anointing of the Sick
Sacraments - Reconciliation
First Reconciliation

Reconciliation is a celebration of God’s love and mercy. It is the act of restoration of the relationship between a person and God. It involves receiving forgiveness for our confessed wrongs through the ministry of a priest.

Within the Archdiocese of Sydney, children in Year 3 or older are invited to seek Reconciliation.

First Holy Communion

As Catholics we believe that the Eucharist is a celebration of Christ’s love for his church. It is the memorial of his Last Supper, death and Resurrection where the Body and Blood of our Saviour is broken and shared to provide a profound source of union between our God and us.

Within the Archdiocese of Sydney, children in Year 3 or older are invited to seek First Holy Communion.

St Canices Parish - Sacraments - First Holy Communion
St Canice's Parish - Sacraments - Confirmation

Confirmation deepens the relationship between Christ and a Baptised Christian, enriching them with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Within the Archdiocese of Sydney, children in Year 5 or older are invited to seek Confirmation, their choice to commit to their own faith into adult years.

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